Sub-Hourly Historical Weather
This API returns historical weather data from our network stations reporting sub-hourly weather data as well as radar, satellite, and weather re-analyses such as the ERA5. This is historical data at 15 minute intervals, and a request will return data from all data sources within ~15km of the requested point. This API returns sub-hourly (15 minute interval) data.
The following per API request limitations apply (See: pricing):
- Trial Plan: 1 day per API request.
- *Plus / Business / Enterprise plans: 5 days of data per API request.
- Other plan(s): No access
*For convenience, up to 1 month of data can be requested per API request. However, requests that exceed 5 days will count as multiple requests against the plan daily quota. Example: 30 days = 6 requests, 14 days = 3 requests, etc.
All parameters should be supplied to the Weather API as query string parameters.
Base URL
Request Parameters
- Your API Key.
- [DEFAULT] Assumes UTC for start_date, end_datelocal
- Assumes LOCAL time for start_date, end_date
- [DEFAULT] English
- [DEFAULT] Metric (Celsius, m/s, mm)S
- Scientific (Kelvin, m/s, mm)I
- Fahrenheit (F, mph, in)
API Endpoints
Description | Required Parameters | Example(s) |
Get history by lat/lon (Recommended) | lat, lon, start_date, end_date | &lat=38.123&lon=-78.543&start_date=2025-03-27&end_date=2025-03-28 |
Get history by city name | city, state(optional), country (optional), start_date, end_date | &city=Raleigh,NC&start_date=2025-03-27&end_date=2025-03-28 |
Get history by postal code | postal_code, country (optional), start_date, end_date | &postal_code=27601&country=US&start_date=2025-03-27&end_date=2025-03-28 |
Get history by city id | city_id, start_date, end_date | &city_id=8953360&start_date=2025-03-27&end_date=2025-03-28 |
Get history by ICAO or station id [Use with Caution] | station, start_date, end_date | &station=KRDU&start_date=2025-03-27&end_date=2025-03-28 |
Example Request:
Example Response (JSON):
"description":"Overcast clouds"
"wind_gust_spd": 8,
"description":"Broken clouds"
"wind_gust_spd": 8.2,
}, ...
Field Decriptions:
Latitude (Degrees).lon:
Longitude (Degrees).timezone:
Local IANA Timezone.city_name:
City name.city_id:
City ID.country_code:
Country abbreviation.state_code:
State abbreviation/code.station_id:
[DEPRECATED] Nearest station.sources:
List of data sources used in [
Timestamp (Unix Timestamp).timestamp_local:
Timestamp at Local time.timestamp_utc:
Timestamp at UTC time.revision_status
Data revision status - interim (subject to revisions) or final.pres:
Pressure (MB).slp:
Sea level pressure (MB).temp:
Temperature (default Celsius).app_temp:
Apparent/"Feels Like" temperature (default Celsius).wind_spd:
Wind speed (Default m/s).wind_gust_spd:
Wind gust speed (Default m/s).wind_dir:
Wind direction (degrees).rh:
Relative humidity (%).dewpt:
Dew point (default Celsius).clouds:
Cloud coverage (%).pod:
Part of the day (d = day / n = night).-
weather: {
Weather icon code.code:
Weather code.description:
Text weather description.
Visibility (default KM).precip_rate:
Liquid equivalent precipitation rate (default mm/hr).snow_rate:
Snowfall rate (default mm/hr).dhi:
Diffuse horizontal solar irradiance (W/m^2) [Clear Sky]dni:
Direct normal solar irradiance (W/m^2) [Clear Sky]ghi:
Global horizontal solar irradiance (W/m^2) [Clear Sky]solar_rad:
Estimated Solar Radiation (W/m^2).elev_angle:
Solar elevation angle (degrees).azimuth:
Solar azimuth angle (degrees).uv:
UV Index (0-11+).... ]