Current Lightning API

This API returns the nearest location, and time of lightning observations from a given point. Lightning data is derived from lightning sensors on board geostationary satellites, as well as weather radar in regions without sensor coverage.

Lightning sensor data is available from 180 West (-180) to 80 East (+80) longitude - covering North/South America, Europe, Africa, and eastern Asia. Sensor data is updated once every 5 minutes. Radar based lightning estimates are available from 80 East (+80) to 180 East (+180) longitude - covering western Asia including China, India, Japan, Australia, and other countries in this area. Radar estimates are updated every 15 minutes.

All parameters should be supplied to the Weather API as query string parameters.

*NOTE: Usage of this API consumes 10 requests against your account quotas per actual API request.

Base URL

Supported Methods: GET

Request Parameters

key=[key] (REQUIRED)
  • key - Your API Key.
limit=[integer - max 100, default 20](optional - limit results)
search_dist_km=[integer - max 150 KM, default 50 KM](optional - Radial search distance from point in KM)
search_mins=[integer - max 240 mins, default 30 mins](optional - Amount of time - in minutes - backwards to search for lightning)
sort=[string - "time" or "distance", default "distance"](optional - Sort results by either most recent occurrence, or least distance from point)

Geolocation Options

Description Required Parameters Example(s)
Get observation by lat/lon (Recommended) lat,lon &lat=35.523&lon=-78.543

Example Request:

Example Response (JSON): [Download]


Field Decriptions:

  • count: Total count of lightning events.
  • limit: Count of results in response (determined by "limit").
  • lat: Latitude of point.
  • lon: Longitude of point.
  • search_distance_km: Search distance from point for lightning (KM).
  • search_mins: Amount of time backwards from current time searched.
  • sort: Ascending sort key of data (time or distance).
  • lightning: [
    • lat: Latitude of lightning (Degrees).
    • lon: Longitude of lightning (Degrees).
    • bearing_cardinal: Cardinal direction abbreviation of lightning relative to point.
    • bearing_degrees: Direction in degrees of lightning relative to point.
    • distance_km: Distance in kilometers of lightning from point.
    • distance_mi: Distance in miles of lightning from point.
    • id: Internal identifier of lightning.
    • timestamp_utc: Lightning time at UTC timezone.
    • timestamp_local: Lightning time at Local timezone.
    • past_mins: Amount of time passed since lightning lightning (in minutes).
    • type: Type of lightning observation.
    • source: Source of data.
  • ]